
EChO is committed to developing the status, high quality and future direction of early childhood education.

Our Mission 

  • Promote and maintain the visibility of early childhood education.

  • Provide opportunities for professional growth for early childhood educators and carers.

  • Advocate for the rights of young children and their educators to participate in early childhood education in line with contemporary research and practice in early years.

Our Vision

EChO is and is perceived to be:

An association that provides a forum to inspire and provoke early childhood educators to challenge themselves and each other in their professional practice.

A forum to engage, inspire and be inspired.

An association whose approach to professional learning and growth is underpinned by contemporary research and practice.

Our Structure

From our members, a Committee is formed every two years at the Annual General Meeting.

The role of the EChO Committee is to:

  • Elect an Executive (President, Secretary & Treasurer) to conduct the business of the organisation

  • Meet twice per school term to manage the organisation

  • Work in small working groups to plan and conduct professional development, advocacy, promotion and networking opportunities for the early childhood sector.


Featured Events

For a full list of all our upcoming events, check out our events page.

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